“You’ve told me my whole life in 20 minutes!!”

There was a three ring circus of glory again out on the beach in Oceanside at our Day At the Beach event recently. Two different kinds of prayer/ministry tents and a canopy for musicians saw many significant encounters with people that included physical and mental healing dynamics and an amazing flow of words of knowledge, prophecy, and wisdom, all in the middle of an amazing mix of folk, blues and urban style music!


“You’ve told me my whole life in 20 minutes!!” the man said in astonishment after Holy Spirit released a whole string of some of the clearest words of knowledge and prophecy I’ve ever seen for this beautiful couple that accurately detailed many aspects of their past, present, their relationship, and their hopes for the future. Both new Jesus followers, they got an enormous upgrade in how personal God is and how much He’s for them. Then they went over to the music canopy and broke out some cool verse with the musicians.


Another lady wept openly as Holy Spirit did much the same for her and we prayed for her. It’s amazing to see Him reveal the deepest secrets of people’s hearts in the context of hope and promise.

Props to Holy Spirit!!!




“So, are you the kind of Christians that are angry & mean & hate gays?”